Submission Guidelines
General Submission Policies | Article Structure | Submission and Publication Workflow
For submission queries, contact us.
General Submission Policies
- The manuscript is submitted online via the CUJ journal platform
- The text is written in its entirety by an undergraduate student
- Submissions are not published elsewhere or cannot be under consideration for publication with another journal
- Submissions fall within the scope of the BA in Communication Studies
- Manuscripts are original and authentic
- All citations and references adhere to the Harvard citation style
- DCU's academic integrity protocols were followed
- Manuscripts are published open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Creative Commons license
Article Structure
- Submissions are limited to 10,000 words, excluding in-text citations, footnotes, and references (or bibliography)
- Publications adhere to the Harvard citation style
- Submissions are written in English, using 11-point Calibri font and single line spacing (justified)
- Sections headings adhere to 14-point Calibri font; sub-headings adhere to 12-point Calibri font
- Submissions include a title, using 16-point Calibri font centered at the top on the first page
- Submissions include a descriptive abstract situating the paper's argument, methods, and conclusion (100-250 words)
- Submissions include a maximum of six keywords after the abstract: keywords to be as specific as possible to accurately represent the submission content
Submission and Publication Workflow